About me

Painting 2
Painting 2
Utställning little art cakery
Utställning little art cakery
Helande energier
Helande energier
Moder jord
Moder jord
Hanna i skogen
Hanna i skogen
Målningen Sky People
Målningen Sky People
Utställning 2
Utställning 2
Måla utomhus
Måla utomhus
I kreativiteten
I kreativiteten
Älskade Dahlior
Älskade Dahlior
Himlen i vattenytan
Himlen i vattenytan
Affirmations- och healingkort. Min önskan är att dem kommer finnas tillgängliga för er under 2022.
Affirmations- och healingkort. Min önskan är att dem kommer finnas tillgängliga för er under 2022.

Welcome to experience a sneak peek into the life of a creative spirit.

I cherish those moments of tranquility when thoughts come to a standstill.

It's during these times when my creativity flows effortlessly, and I am engrossed in the process of creating art. I prefer to go by my maiden name, Sachiko Eklöf, during these artistic pursuits. This name holds a profound significance for me, encapsulating the energy that emerges as I paint.

When I entered the world in Tokyo, the name given to me was Sachiko, which translates to the child of happiness. I was adopted from Japan when I was 3 months old, 

Upon my arrival in Sweden, I adopted the surname Eklöf. In many cultures, the oak tree is a symbol of longevity and endurance. My deepest wish is for the light of happiness to touch your life through art, allowing this happiness and vitality to guide you back to your essence, to the core of your being.

Since my early years, the world of painting and creativity has been my sanctuary. I have delved into diverse forms of artistic expression, including sketching, botanical illustrations, weaving, sewing, singing, and oil painting. However, it was not until I stumbled upon intuitive art that I truly felt a harmonious connection with my creative essence. Deep within me lies a profound affinity for healing, frequencies, and energies. Each piece I create is imbued with healing vibrations and profound messages. Every stroke of the brush and every color choice is guided by intuition. My aspiration is for you, dear soul, to discover the answers you seek. In the realms of presence, joy, and serenity, endless possibilities unfold.

Love, light and gratitude/

Sachiko Eklöf